Lasik Surgery: Eye Care

Henry David Thoreau once said, “The eye is the jewel of the body” and who would not do all in his power to keep it that way. Our eyes are an extremely sensitive part of our body and most people feel the quality of life drop when something happens to their sight.

Hence, more and more people are now opting for Lasik eye correction in order to lead a normal, happy life. With technological breakthroughs, Lasik treatment has offered a remedy for all kinds of refractive errors, eventually enhancing the quality of life for people who have suffered from eye problems for most of their lives. Laser treatment helps corrects problems like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), Presbyopia (age-related farsightedness) and astigmatism.

Pre and Post Lasik Surgery
When you do decide to take this step and correct your vision through a Lasik surgery, you need to keep many things in mind, the most important being, selecting a good eye surgeon for you. The skill of the eye surgeon and the pre and post operative precautions that you take determine how successful your laser surgery will be for you.

Pre-Op Considerations: The doctor needs to first determine if you are a good candidate for the Lasik treatment. Factors such as present eye diseases, age, general health and eyeglasses prescription will be taken into account while ascertaining this. Also, your eye surgeon will tell you exactly which type of laser surgery will be most suited for your eyes.

Apart from the above, your doctor will also run some tests to measure the curvature of your eye, how much correction will be possible, how much tissue will needed to be removed and exactly what all you can expect after the operation.

Post-Op Considerations: Once the surgery is complete and you are allowed to go home, you will need to make sure that the flap of the cornea heals properly. Your doctor will tell you all the post Lasik precautions that you will need to take. Some of them will include regular eye drops to avoid dry eyes, using protective eye shields to avoid corneal damage while sleeping, wearing sunglasses for a few weeks and taking some medicines including antibiotics.

One of the leading facilities for Lasik San Francisco treatment and eye care is Visit their website to know more about Lasik treatment, your options in sight correction and to consult some highly skilled eye surgeons who can help you make the right decision.

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