The Secret To Improve Eyesight Without Glasses Is Exposed! (Part 2)

Recognizing the fact that almost half of America’s population wears some sort of glasses or artificial lenses, it seems it is time to expose what may be considered one of the best kept secrets in America.


I can think of many reasons why it has been kept a secret all of these years – as I am sure you can too.


Given it has been proven repeatedly that simple eye exercises can improve eyesight and can reverse damage already done to the eyes, then why is this not being taught in our preschools and elementary schools?


In my humble personal opinion, it seems if we taught our children eye exercises in elementary school, or in preschool – it would eliminate the need for most people to wear corrective lenses.


The stress and strain of reading for long periods of time, of using computers and hand-held games, smartphones, etc., for hours on end without doing necessary visual exercises can cause damage to our eyes.


We cannot stop reading.  We cannot quit using computers and technology.  They are not the problem.


The problem is we read too long at a time.  We stay on the computer too long without taking a break.  Our kids play games on the computer or hand-held games – way too long without taking breaks.  All of these can cause serious eye ailments.


It is vital that we stop and take breaks when reading, working or playing on the computer, or playing hand-held games.  It is too much stress and strain on our eyes if we do not take breaks to rest and exercise our eyes.


It is important to do simple eye exercises so we do not cause more damage – and can reverse the damage already done.


There is a proven effective way to improve eyesight without glasses and without surgeries.  Artificial lenses are not the answer.


Finding the perfect prescription is one of the largest problems with artificial lenses.  There are many factors to having perfect vision.


Our eyes change constantly.  Our moods, distractions, the weather, your overall health, and outside stressors all play a part in how we can see.  Our eyesight is usually better when we are in a good mood and it is sunny.


There are too many variables for a doctor to find the perfect prescription.  Going to a doctor on a dark and rainy day when you are in a bad mood – will be reflected in your prescription.  Your prescription will not work at all when it is bright outside and you are happy.


Try going for a few weeks without your glasses and see what happens.  You will probably be surprised at the results.  At first, things will be blurry.  However, once your eyes start adjusting to a life without artificial lenses, things will become more clear.


It is important to make certain you are free of too much mental strain.  Practice relaxation techniques and rest your eyes when things start to lose focus.


It has been proven, over and over again, that wearing artificial lenses can make our eyes lazy – and can teach us many bad habits.  Concentrate on correcting the problem of mental strain instead of just covering up the problem.


Bad habits start at a young age, and carry over into adulthood causing damage to our eyes.


The good news is we can practice eye exercises to reverse this damage and to improve eyesight without glasses, contacts or any artificial lenses – or surgery.


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Discover Simple Secrets To Improve Eyesight Without Glasses


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