The Secret To Improve Eyesight Without Glasses Is Exposed! (Part 1)


Your glasses may actually be hurting your eyes. Now that’s a scary thought, isn’t it?


We go to the eye doctor to help our eyes, and now we find out the eyeglasses and contacts prescribed that we have paid big bucks for – may be hurting our eyes instead of helping them.


Now don’t get upset with your doctor.  He probably was never taught this natural way of healing the eyes – the natural way to improve eyesight without glasses, contacts or surgery.


There have been articles and case studies documented for almost a hundred years on how to improve your vision without glasses and artificial lenses.


Your guess is as good as mine as to why it is not being taught in our schools.  My guess is it has something to do with how large of an industry vision products have become.  There are a lot of companies producing/making eyeglasses, sunglasses, glass cases, contacts, contact solution, eyedrops, magnifying glasses, etc.. There are a lot of salespeople making a living selling these products.


Doctors are performing lots of eye surgeries everyday – such as lasik surgery and eye implants.  There are doctors making significant incomes from patients office visits, eye exams, and selling vision products.


The sad part is – people go to their eye doctor, optometrist, for help so they can see better.   Since the doctors, apparently, have not been taught eye exercises that can improve one’s vision dramatically in only a few weeks – they do what they were taught.  They prescribe  glasses, contacts, etc. in hopes of helping their patients see better.


The problem is…glasses and contacts cannot fix your eye problems. Yes, they can help you see things more clearly – but they are not a cure for the actual ailment.  They are a “band-aid” for your symptoms.


The main issue with artificial lenses in glasses and contacts is they teach you bad habits. This keeps your eyes from healing themselves because you become dependent on the lenses, and it does not allow your eyes to work correctly.


If you can teach your eyes to be more relaxed,

the need for glasses and lenses can go away completely.


Mental stress and strain on the eyes is the primary cause of most eye ailments.  The key is to avoid the eyestrain and mental stress.  We all know this is not always possible.  The next best thing is to learn new habits to deal with the strain.


Considering almost half of America’s population wears some sort of glasses, contacts, or artificial lenses – it is time to expose the long kept secret that we have the ability within ourselves to heal our eyes.


We have it within ourselves the natural capability to improve eyesight without glasses.


(Continue to Part 2 for details.)


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