Three Ways that Vision Correction Can Revitalise Living

It is easy to take our sight for granted, but the pressures our eyes are under every day can cause a rapid decrease in vision quality over time. Common aspects of modern living include a reliance on computer screens and bright lights and these have been known to increase the chances of vision impairment over time. There are procedures that can treat eye conditions extremely effectively, amongst them a procedure known as total vision correction.

This procedure is, in essence, a perfected form of clear lens extraction which involves the replacement of the lens of the eye with a prescription lens. This is known to be very effective as a solution to many conditions, although the typical cataract operation procedure that involves lasers also enjoys a high surgical success rate. Both of these surgeries can change the lives of those who have eye problems for the better.

It is unfortunate that as we get older our quality of vision can reduce, sometimes quite dramatically. This can begin to happen as soon as 30, but by the time many people reach 40 they are already noticing problems with their eyesight. This is because the lens in our eyes tends to stiffen as we age, and the reduction in flexibility has a direct effect on the ability of our eyes to focus.

There are a wide variety of eye conditions that can develop over time, such as presbyopia and myopia. Presbyopia is caused by a reduction in accommodation by the lens rather than a genetic flaw in the eye itself, as is the case with hyperopia, another form of long-sightedness. However, myopia, or shortsightedness, can develop over time and, like presbyopia, can be treated by either laser or refractive eye surgery.

Cataracts are also a common condition with aging eyes. Though it is almost impossible to see one on the eyes, the symptoms are clear, with cloudy vision, spots before the eyes, oversensitivity to light, and a lack of sharpness between contrasting colours. These conditions can also indicate the existence of myopia.

Another common condition is glaucoma, which is caused by pressure inside the eye and eventually leads to complete blindness if it is not treated. Again, one of the most effective treatments is laser eye surgery, which is applicable to most cases and enjoys a high success rate.

Each of these conditions can seriously inhibit the lives of the individual sufferers, causing not just a reduction in quality of sight but considerable anxiety over the chances of blindness. The availability of a range of treatments means that the future of people who have an eye condition can be much better, and patients that have braved the surgical procedure can enjoy a variety of improvements to their life.

With the return of near perfect vision, one of the improvements is a renewed confidence in life. This has an effect on almost every aspect of life, not just professionally or in recreation, but also in personal relationships with loved ones. With sight returned, a renewed desire to travel, the enjoyment of experiencing things that could not be seen before and a freedom of senses allows for a far more active, positive and enjoyable lifestyle.

Simple activities that were taken for granted, but sorely missed, can become possible again. For example, depending on the severity of a cataract on the eye, sufferers are unable to drive at night. This is because of the sensitivity that a sufferer will feel when coming to traffic lights, or dealing with the headlights of oncoming traffic. This can then prevent an individual from driving or travelling at night time, and effectively reduce their mobility.

Other former activities become possible again too, such as sports and art. Golfers find that they can focus on the ball at the feet more comfortably, while painters can focus better on their subject, particularly in landscapes where details at a distance can be seen again. Crafts such as needlework and knitting, both of which require high levels of visual concentration at close proximity, can also be enjoyed again.

In essence, any activity that depends on sight, which the sufferer has had difficulty with in the past, can be enjoyed again. This is all thanks to surgical procedures such as clear lens extraction, which replaces the failing natural lens with a new synthetic lens. The procedure can also be referred to total vision correction, with tens of thousands of successful procedures seeing an equal number of pleased patients of a variety of ages.

These permanent lens implants, which are inserted during a cataract operation procedure, or other refractive surgery, ensure that the quality of sight returns to that of the original quality, effectively making the eyes of the patient younger and preventing the need for glasses or contact lenses.

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