PMS – There is a Remedy

What They Don’t Tell Us

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and its more severe form, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) are by far the most common health complaints for a woman today. Most women firstly will purchase over the counter drugs to alleviate their symptoms and when that fails prescription drugs are recommended. Far to often we are not informed there are more natural  methods of treatment that may be just as effective without nasty side effects.

We all know the symptoms of PMS and PMDD, the most common experienced are bloating/water retention and the resulting weight gain,toms of PMS, the most common experienced are bloating/water retention and the resulting weight gain, breast tenderness and lumpiness, headaches, cramps, fatigue, irritability, mood swings, and anxiety and more severely banshee like anger (in Irish folklore) a spirit in the form of a wailing woman who appears to or is heard by members of a family as a sign that one of them is about to die.) Well not really but you know what I mean.

I’ve gone through it all, along with my family, whom by the way are all still alive and thriving. Over the years with some meticulous research, I’m known to be a bit pedantic about things, I’ve discovered some interesting, easily accessible vitamins and herbs that to me are brilliant. I know many of us may not have the time to search this information out so I decided to share what I have discovered in the hopes that it may be of use to others as well.

It seems that most women who experience PMS, PMDD symptoms may have some form of female hormone inbalance. There is lots of theories out there as to the why or how but most importantly is the what? The what?, in most cases seems to be Progesterone deficiency (estrogen dominance), since many of the symptoms correlate with estrogen dominance symptoms, most notably water retention, breast swelling, headaches, mood swings, loss of libido, and poor sleep patterns.

There is natural relief without using medical drugs that seem to balance this out in most women and hence, once and for all, like they did for myself, and others, make us feel normal before, during and after our premenstrual periods.

The most recommended vitamins to relieve symptoms of PMS and PMDD are Calcium, which improves muscle contractions, blood clotting, and regulating hormones along with Magnesium which  decreases menstrual cramping and helps the body deal with stress. These vitamins taken along with herbal remedies such as Chastetreeberry extract, Dong quai extract, and Red Clover extract are scientifically proven to effectively relieve symptoms of PMS.

Chaste Tree Berry extract

Studies have shown a reduction in breast tenderness and pressure, headaches, bloating and fatigue in women who take Chaste tree berry regularly. Chaste tree berry has been used for menstrual difficulties for over 2500 years, with its earliest uses documented during early Roman and Greek history.This plant has been shown to help balance the progesterone-estrogen balance. This is why it has been referred to as a “female” herb. It also has a negative effect (antiandrogenic) on male hormones. In males it reduces the sex drive and therefore is seldom used by males. It may also be beneficial in combating breast cancer.

Dong Quai extract

The main traditional use of dong quai is to regulate the female reproductive organs. It has long been used in Chinese traditional medicine and one of the most popular plants among Chinese females, considered to be a women’s herb, thus the name “female ginseng”.This plant is thought to be useful for pre menstual symptom(PMS) specifically lack of bleeding, painful periods and menstrual migraine. It is also thought to contain natural hormones (oestrogens) and in combination with other herbs thought to be of benefit for women’s health.

Red Clover extract

Red clover is a rich source of the isoflavones; formonnectin, biochanin A, daidzin and genistein which are natural hormones. In addition to it’s natural hormonal components, Red clover contains many essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, chromium, niacin, phosphorous, potassium, thiamine, magnesium, and vitamin C. It is also suggested that Red Clover may be of use for women experiencing breast pain.

I’ve found, all these essential ingredients in one product,can easily and naturally help alleviate the symptoms associated with PMS and the more severe PMDD.



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