Symptoms of the menopause

A medical definition of what is menopause is the cessation of the female person’s reproductive capability.The age at which it starts can vary from 45-52 years of age .Some women experience menopause due to natural reasons while some experience it through surgery to the ovaries or through irradiation to the ovaries. When the female’s menstrual cycle is ended, the female’s hormonal system ceases to initiate the production of an egg in her reproductive organs. The signal to stop producing an egg in the reproductive system is called menopause. The emotional upswings that some women might have experienced during menstruation are now repressed since that particular feminine trait has been ended by the brain which causes the symptoms of the menopause. Although it is considered a natural evolution in the existence of the female, its effects are medically complicated and require careful attention to provide for the woman’s total appreciation of herself as a person as well as a reproductive agent of nature’s life cycle.

There are many physical symptoms for menopause from excessive bleeding at the time that menopausal symptoms in women starts to cancerous growths in the ovaries following the change of life biological event. Treatment for these physical symptoms for menopause depend on the woman’s doctor or her own choice of natural remedies often shared by other female friends and health proponents. For some women,the symptoms that menopause causes are predictable .These symptoms may be treatable with Hormone Replacement Therapy.Where women have issues with low libido,they can be treated with testosterone which is a male hormone injection. Some women develop the presence of hair on their face.Some experience hair loss. The signs of the menopause shown by menopausal women are both psychological and physical. The symptoms or signs that menopause causes may go away in as little time as 8months but sometimes it can be prologed and may last for years. Women vary in the severity of the symptoms that they experience. The results of the menopausal symptoms can be quite traumatic for the woman whose normal emotions are usually regulated by the menstrual cycle and hormones produced by the brain. Interestingly,some women do not experience any major symptoms or signs of the menopause and they sail through it easily. Nevertheless,the majority of women find that they have to deal with possible severe psychological symptoms such as low mood,low self esteem etc.They can get very emotional about it.

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