Breast Augmentation Recovery – The Important Hints

Breast Augmentation surgery is a delicate surgery that can give you the type of breasts you desire. In order to get a breast lift, reduction of the size, or adjusting one breast to match the other, breast enhancement surgery is very common these days. However, this surgery is succeeded by a long term of recovery. In order to ensure that you go through the recovery process faster, you need to follow the guidelines given by your surgeon.


Important aspects of the recovery process


First and foremost, the important aspect of the recovery process is that you need to give your body ample rest and avoid some strenuous activities. The less you move, lift, or bend yourself, the quicker you heal and the lesser will be the sores. Immediately after the operation, when you wake up, you might experience nausea due to the anaesthesia and pain. Medications for both of these can be asked from the doctor. You may feel discomfort and cold due to the ice packs and cold compresses given to your breast within 48 hours of the surgery. In case you start shivering, it is better to ask the nurse for some blankets.


During the boob job, your surgeon may have used drains that are thin plastic tubes to drain out the excess fluid – these may create some itchiness at the incision sites. These will be removed on the first follow-up appointment post surgery and replaced with a surgical bra. It is advisable not to use any lotions or creams around the incision spots as this may cause inflammation; rather keeping the sutures dry is what you have to keep in mind. Taking regular antibiotics and monitoring of temperature can help in detection of infection, if any. If you have taken up a package of breast augmentation surgery with a breast lift, the total recovery time will be more. Few medications, used by doctors to alleviate the pain are Tylenol with codeine, Vicodin ES, Percocet and Vicodin, but during the recovery period you should never take over the counter medicines.


Swelling after the surgery can stay for as long as 3-4 months, but in case of longer period, it is better that you consult the doctor. Even few bruises and lumpy scars called keloids on your breast implants are possible, which can be treated with your doctor’s advice. Another difficulty will be taking baths, which you will not be allowed till the sutures are closed. So the night before the surgery, you can get a hair wash, which you might not get within a period of one week. Don’t panic, if you feel loss of sensitivity around your breasts and over sensitivity around nipples, these will subside with time, as the implants will drop to the normal position. This may actually take some weeks.


Recovering becomes easier, if you have taken subglandular breast implant placement, than the submuscular breast implant placement. Depending on your implant placement, incision type, and the job done and how speedily you heal, will determine how soon you can rejoin all your activities including going to the office as well. Patients who go for transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) surgery, tends to heal faster than others, so it is better to consult the surgeon in regard to what implant is best suited for you and how long will you need to recover before going to the operation table.

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