Home Remedies for Painful Menstrual Periods or Dysmenorrhoea

Dysmenorrhoea is a condition in which the woman experiences pain during menstrual periods. Some women experience excessive pain which interferes with their day to day activities. Painful menstrual periods can also have discomforts such as nausea, sharp pain which comes and goes, throbbing pain, tiredness or dull pain. Dysmenorrhoea may be of two kinds, primary and secondary. It is a primary condition when painful menstrual periods are not associated with any underlying illness. This usually affects up to the age in 20s and then decreases. In secondary condition, the pain and cramps is caused by an underlying medical problem. This occurs later in life like in the 30s or 40s.

When the menstrual periods begin, a chemical substance called prostaglandins is released which cause the uterine muscles to contract. Excessive prostaglandins result in painful cramps and spasms. During the contraction, the blood supply to the uterus temporarily gets cut off which causes cramps. Excessive release of this chemical also causes contraction of the muscles in the intestinal tract which may lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Secondary dysmenorrhoea may be caused by problems of the uterus or the pelvic organ. Some conditions that are responsible for this are pelvis inflammatory disease, tumors, endometriosis, fibroids, cervical stenosis, ovarian cysts, sexually transmitted diseases, IUDs and stress.

The doctor may prescribe medications like pain killers, anti inflammatory pills, contraceptive pills or antibiotics for treating the underlying problem. Home remedies for the treatment of dysmenorrhoea are known to help ease off the pain during painful menstrual periods. They are simple ways to obtain relief from the symptoms. Some of the home remedies for painful menstrual periods are as below:

1. Warm bath: A warm bath or a warm shower is soothing and helps you relax. It also aids in easing off the pain.

2. Hot Water Bottle: Try putting a hot water bottle or a heat pad on the lower abdominal area where the cramps are occurring. This gives relief from the pain. Be careful not to apply the bottle too hot for it can damage the skin and cause burns.

3. Massage: Massaging the lower abdomen gently in light circular motion may be effective to provide some relief during painful menstrual periods.

4. Chamomile: Sip on chamomile tea to soothe the cramps. You can prepare chamomile tea by putting some dried chamomile flowers in one cup of boiling water. Let it steep and then strain. This is one of the effective home remedies for the treatment of dysmenorrhoea.

5. Vitamins: Eat food rich in Vitamin B and other nutrients. Take a vitamin supplement.

6. Exercise: Light and mild exercises done regularly will help you stay active and increase the stamina.

7. Avoid eating chocolates, drinking tea, coffee and carbonated drinks for these may worsen the cramps.

8. Yoga: Yoga or meditation can be very beneficial in the treatment of painful menstrual periods.

9. Ginger: Ginger is an effective home remedy. Include this in your diet or have it in tea.

10. Parsley: Parsley aids in treating cramps.

11. Cinnamon: Cinnamon has antispasmodic and anti inflammatory properties which help in this condition.

12. Basil: Use basil in your tea to provide relief from the pain.

Use these safe and natural home remedies for the treatment of painful menstrual periods.

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