Premenstrual Syndrome PMS Symptoms, Treatment and Natural Remedies

Premenstrual syndrome also known as PMS in women is a collection of symptoms which are related to the menstrual cycle. These symptoms may involve physical factors or emotional factors. It is basically a combination of these factors and mood variations that occur after the ovulation till the onset of the menstrual flow. A form of premenstrual syndrome is premenstrual dysphoric disorder in which there is a significant loss of functions due to severe symptoms.

PMS is very common and about 80 percent of women experience it. There are many symptoms related to it making it difficult to figure out what exactly causes PMS to occur. The most common reason is the disturbances in the level of hormones or the interactions between the hormones and the neurotransmitters in the brain.

Symptoms – The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome can vary widely from woman to woman. These symptoms can differ in duration and intensity. The symptoms can be physical or psychological. Some of the physical symptoms of PMS are given here:

1. Bloating: This often affects women as they experience bloating due to fluid retention.

2. Weight Gain: Many women gain weight in this period.

3. Sleep Pattern: Many feel the sleep pattern changing during this time. Some may sleep too much and some too little.

4. Fatigue: Some feel tiredness and fatigue.

5. Appetite: There may be appetite changes in some women leading them to over eat or have certain cravings.

6. Tenderness of Breast: This is one of the premenstrual syndrome which women undergo.

Some of the emotional related symptoms are as follows:

1. Tension
2. Oversensitivity
3. Mood Swings
4. Anxiety
5. Depression
6. Irritability

One can recognize these premenstrual syndrome symptoms if you keep a track of the changes that occur during ovulation. Ovulation is usually around the mid cycle. If these changes occur around this time and remain till the menstruation begins, they are PMS symptoms.

As the diagnosis of PMS is difficult to make, so is the treatment. Various approaches and treatment may be used to treat premenstrual syndrome symptoms. Also each woman may need a different method and what works for one may not work for the other.

Treatments – Some of the suggested treatments and natural remedies for PMS are as follows:

1. Exercise: This is one treatment which is beneficial for women. Mild to light exercise if done regularly will provide much relief from these symptoms.

2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol intake.

3. Cut down on the intake of refined foods, sugars and fried food.

4. Avoid intake of salt in your diet especially before the menstrual periods.

5. Medications: There are various medications available to treat premenstrual syndrome. Pain killers, anti depressants, diuretics and oral contraceptive pills work for some people. The painkillers help reduce the discomfort and pain caused while the diuretics help to increase the rate of production of urine which eliminates the excess fluid. Anti depressants are given to control the mood variations in women.

The above treatments may be effective for treating premenstrual syndrome without using medications if followed regularly. A proper healthy diet and regular exercise can ease off the symptoms. However in some women, medications might be necessary to curb the problem.

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