Tips For Aging Elegantly

Though physical changes which happen over a period of time can not be stopped or reversed but we can handle the complications arising due to these. These changes happen to everybody more or less similarly.

Living healthy happy is a lifelong project, one should follow primarily. But people ignore as being entangled in studies, carrier, business, family life neglect this very important act of prime importance. This careless attitude causes premature aging in our lives. Regularly following wrong sleeping, eating relaxing habits we suffer from premature onset of aging.

It is never late to start good things in life. Once you decide to start following a healthy life style, results start coming simultaneously. Gradually you will start feeling improvement in quality of life with better resistance towards diseases, improved digestion, mobility elevated mood with more rich feeling of well being. This makes you confident of taking care of yourself in old age.

Here are some simple tips to help:

* Rising early: Getting up early will help you in organizing daily rituals in time, so that you can timely organize your morning rituals, inhaling fresh air, exercise or yoga, bathing, prayer, reading news paper timely breakfast. Getting up early is always calming soothing as there is no television or traffic noise, no kids crying or yelling, just chirping of birds to soothe you. As per Ayurvedic concepts of health, it helps to induce: positive thoughts, light headedness, elevates mood is soul refreshing. Rising early walking in fresh morning air helpful in maintaining lungs, skin bones healthy.

* Morning walk: Morning walk is always best exercise which involves movement of most of the muscles of human body. You can start walking with moderate speed. After a month or more depending upon your energy level strength, you should try to make it brisk. Routine heart checkup is always good to have if you have a history of such ailment. Walking is found to be helpful for strengthening of muscles bones.

* Breakfast: Generally it is not given importance as we generally have heavy dinner last night so think that skipping will relive bloating. Believe me, skipping breakfast will not ease it, rather it will make the situation worse. Breakfast should be rich but should be free from oil spices. Having Dalia (Coarse grinded or broken wheat) boiled in milk some fruits of your choice can be added to your breakfast.


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