Celebrate Menopause – It’s Been Earned

Menopause is experienced about mid-life. The change is due to decreased hormonal levels of estrogen and progesterone. It is one of several normal biological milestones, of which the matured women should be proud. The matured woman should celebrate menopause as a badge of honor, because it’s been earned. Further, sharing the experience of menopause with other matured women might help them cope with their own menopausal experiences.

Celebrating menopause as accomplishment rather than as a calamity will improve her self-esteem. She should continue to be herself. After all, when a woman reaches menopause, it shows strength and resilience. Menopause is saying, woman, you have arrived. You have weathered many storms, and you are still here because you are strong. So, celebrate me, celebrate life, celebrate menopause, it’s been earned, pass it on as a lived experience.

Menopause is a sign maturity. On reaching this phase of your life, your maturity shows that you have earned a wealth of experience with a legacy that can be shared. The way in which you deal with hot and cold flashes, excess sweating, mood swings, or the occasional strange feelings that you hardly understand herself- but cope with any way; could become a source of encouragement for a sister, a daughter, a friend.

Your explanation of how you deal with difficulty concentrating, sleeping, remembering, or your loss of hair; loss of libido; loss of energy; and frequent headaches or dizzy spells, could help to minimize the worry of another woman who experiences similar menopausal symptoms and is unsure of what to do or how to cope.

Your courage in dealing with menopause demonstrates your phenomenal understanding and acceptance of your body, and your role as woman, as wife, as sister, as daughter, as friend, and as a biological or nurturing mother.

Yes, you have seen the reproductive years come and go, the hormones are cooling off, but that was only one element of your being. The ability to procreate must not diminish your creativity. You are still a woman, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and a biological or nurturing mother. Add menopause to your list of experiences and share your knowledge as one of your many legacies.

Who wants to know? You ask. It’s your daughter, your friend, and your biological or nurtured children, and other menopausal women. You are woman, celebrate menopause – it’s been earned. It’s your legacy, pass it on.


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