Is a Chemical Peel for Brown Spots a Wise Idea?

You may have of some women resorting to a chemical peel for age spots, but is this really a good idea. It is not something I would ever consider doing. But, if you really want to do this, make sure you do your research first.

A chemical peel also known as dermal-peeling involves having a chemical solution applied to your skin. It will cause the skin to blister and then peel off. Doesn’t that sound pleasant and pain free!

Even though it can be painful and unpleasant it can improve the look of your skin. Keep in mind too that your skin will be sensitive to the sun for a while afterward.

There are several levels of peels, meaning they take off several layers of skin. The deeper the peel, the more chance there is for complications.

With a deep peel you can expect to experience severe redness of the skin. In some cases it can last for several months. You may also have darker or lighter skin in the treated area as well.

Other adverse reactions that some people have experienced are scarring, allergic reaction to the chemicals, infection and swelling around the eyes.

A Better Alternative to a Chemical Peel

Frankly, I do not want to take the chance on a chemical peel for brown spots or anything else for that matter. I would prefer to use a natural skin cream to help reduce my age spots.

Let me tell you why I would prefer a safe natural skin cream over a chemical peel any day. You will never have to deal with potential side effects when using safe age spot remover creams. Not only are they effective but they are much more inexpensive than a peel.

Before I tell you about the type of cream that I would use, I’ll go over what causes brown spots in the first place. They are caused by overexposure to the sun. The suns rays are very harmful to your skin and can cause an over production of melanin, which is a skin pigment.

So, in order to get rid of the brown spots use a cream that will help stop the over production of melanin and restore your skin to a more natural overall pigmentation.

I wanted to know what the best lotions contained that made them so effective. And, I found that Extrapone Nutgrass root is one of the best natural ingredients that helps to block the skin from producing melanin. This happens without the potential side effects caused by a chemical peel for brown spots.

In the end though it is up to you on what method you choose to reduce the brown spots on your skin.

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