Interpretation of dental and health secrets

Many do not know, teeth and health and longevity are closely related. Teeth are strong, not only affect the human body, but also to some extent on the role of the human spirit. In the September 20 National Love Teeth Day approaching, we invite experts interpret the secrets of the teeth and health.

    Secret One: Why teeth widened

    Decryption: gingival papilla between the teeth in full. In human life, the number of gum a lot of nipple necrosis, nipple height of the gums gradually reduced as to make the teeth becomes wider, this is a sign of human aging. If the gums caused by improper cleaning inflammation of the gums often, it will speed up the gum off the nipple, resulting in periodontitis and teeth widened.

    Tip: If you are broadening the teeth caused by periodontal disease, the key is to pay attention to teeth cleaning and treatment. If it is congenital teeth widened, and the cracks are not big, you can choose to crown, the teeth become larger to make up; or orthopedic braces to the teeth, about six months to be effective.

    Secret Two: Why teeth become large

    Decryption: Periodontitis is the first characterization of the teeth longer, in fact, this is the result of gingival recession. Another manifestation of periodontitis is bleeding gums, bad breath, excess pus, loose teeth will appear in severe cases, occlusion and persistent dull pain. The occurrence of periodontitis and tooth more plaque, food impaction, poor restorations, bite wounds and other causes.

    Tip: In addition to the necessary treatment, the daily removal of plaque is also very important, but the work is not brushing your teeth can be solved, only for medical tooth cleaning, deposition of dirt can be removed completely; if suffering from a mild periodontitis, should be selected valuables toothbrush bristles, and do not experience bleeding site painlessly, so can improve symptoms.

    Secret Three: Why teeth sensitive

    Decryption: Most sensitive teeth due to dental caries caused. Symptoms of tooth decay include: toothache, to cold, hot foods or sweets have allergies, the decay is very severe cases, teeth may become brown, enamel surface, such obvious holes.

    Tip: When teeth appear sensitive to the phenomenon should be timely medical treatment. Because the fine tooth nerve is any anti-inflammatory drugs can not reach the site, in case of nerve, “fester”, you need to “root canal treatment”, to clear all rotten tooth nerve.

    Prevention of dental caries pit and fissure sealant is a good way, generally 10 minutes to make a tooth of the closure operation. Is: a doctor with a resin to the surface of deep pits and fissures of teeth filled, making it difficult to retention of food residues.

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