Concurrency toothache

1, acute gingivitis, acute pulpitis. (Tooth decay type of infection caused by pulpitis)

 Symptoms: sudden onset, there must be red, swollen gums symptoms, especially tooth’s gums. Only mild gingivitis, while severe acute pulpitis, accompanied by lymph nodes, or along with a range of physical symptoms such as tongue yellow, fever, constipation or stool such as poor lit phenomenon. Acute pulpitis is the most pain of a toothache, pain points, obviously, pain will be swollen, teeth can not bite, dentists in the use of the anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers can not control the swelling and pain can only be taken when the root canal therapy. This is the most painful of the most painful toothache. We repeated the study was that it is precisely such a toothache the most easy to solve. Because we found a very ready-made cure, that is Tong Ren Tang Niuhuangjiedu produced film. (Each 6 times a day) can alleviate the day. Established only after the pain has diarrhea, the dose less than valid. The toothache is the Chinese said: wind, fire, toothache, stomach fire Firelight lung Huo toothache. Anyway, because of the fire which causes the body, flu can cause. So we called it concurrency toothache.

2, apical inflammatory pain

Symptoms: pain obviously bite, gingival swelling is not obvious, no other pain symptoms. Periapical inflammation are basically the aftermath of acute pulpitis. During the acute pulpitis without the complete elimination of inflammation and timely and effective root canal therapy is not completely caused. External teeth Niuhuangjiedu gold and oral tablets in the treatment can quickly cure.

3, nerve pain (commonly known as virtual fire float, false fire toothache)

Symptoms: pain point is not obvious, but their mouths were radioactive dental pain, hard bite, but the pain relief. Acute periodontitis bit like toothache, gingival swelling there, but the hand press is not pain, loose teeth obvious. Useful in the private sector prescription dried oysters, bacon, porridge to eat the skin once the stew, the effect can be. The effects of the drug is Cordyceps 10 stew meat soup, analgesic effect immediately. Taking production Zhibai Dihuang Wan Tong Ren Tang was also very effective.

We believe that the above classification toothache is basically sound clear. Click here to guide Toothache, toothache from any person’s life should not the.

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