The Process of Placement of Braces

Orthodontics refers to a specialty area in the field of dentistry. It deals with the assessment and the subsequent treatment of improper bites or what are technically referred to as malocclusions. These might be the result of disproportional jaw relationships or tooth irregularity. Orthodontic treatment takes into account both dental displacement and also the modification and control of the facial growth. In the last case, it is referred to as dentofacial orthopaedics. There are people who opt for such a treatment for the sake of aesthetics in order to improve the appearance of the teeth.  There are some orthodontists who also focus on the reconstruction of the face rather than solely concentrating on the teeth.


In most cases, the orthodontic treatment is initiated by the insertion of teeth braces or orthodontic brackets. These are generally made out of ceramic material or from stainless steel. The brackets and the wires help to move the teeth into the correct positions. There are other methods that are also used for proper placement of teeth. One of these is known as invisalign. These are nothing but clear plastic aligners that help to realign the teeth.


Dentists also make use of several other components such as headgear, plates and expansion appliances and other equipments to realign jawbones and teeth. For patients, in the age group of five to fourteen, functional appliances are used. These are used with the aim of altering the jaw dimensions. The therapy is known as Dentofacial Orthopedics and is usually followed up by fixed multibracket therapy in order to properly align the teeth.


Orthodontics is especially connected with the proper treatment of crooked teeth and improper bites. The treatment can help to correct the teeth setting. The process is usually carried out with the help of retainers and braces. Even after the conclusion of orthodontic treatment, the patient is supposed to wear retainers that help to keep the teeth in the new position.  The retainers need to be worn round the clock for a specific time span, from a period of six months to even an entire year. The frequency is gradually reduced for the patient may be advised to wear it only during the night. The patient needs to follow the guidelines set by the dentist in this regard. The teeth stays aligned after the period and the patient does not even need to wear the retainer any more.


It is necessary to choose an experienced orthodontist in this regard. While carrying out the diagnosis and planning the subsequent treatment, it is necessary that the orthodontist follows the following steps:


  • It is necessary to clearly define the exact nature of the problem
  • The dentist should also identify the various problems that are associated with the dentofacial deformity or the malocclusion
  • The dentist should also state the treatment strategy to the patient in a way that the latter completely understands the consequences of their decision
  • The treatment strategy and design should be based completely on the individual’s needs

It is advisable that you choose an experienced professional based on the recommendation of acquaintances.



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