Do you have to visit your dentist for tooth pain relief?

The most painful pain I ever had was tooth pain and I’m sure you would agree. If I can find a solution to stop the pain and get tooth pain relief then I will do this prior to my dentist appointment.

The worst feeling of all is the tooth throbbing from within my mouth and then moving from my cheek towards my eye. The result of this is that my eyes start to pound and it doesn’t matter which side of the mouth it is on.  It can make you feel like someone has hit you very hard with a hammer. I sometimes think that if someone did hit me with a hammer it would distract my mind from the tooth pain.

I sometime use gel orally when the tooth pain begins.  It is easy and quick to apply and can reduce the pain almost immediately.  If I do not have any oral jell then I like to take an aspirin and set it on the tooth so that the pill seeps into the tooth and relieves the pain. Or if I have any I just take some Hydrocodone.  I will always try these things first before I go to the dentist. I don’t like dentists, and I don’t like needles. In my opinion all dentists like to do is charge you a lot of money for patching up the tooth.

That brings me to the point of dentists. Have you ever thought why dentists do what they do? I understand that we need our teeth so we can eat and have beautiful smiles for the pretty women and handsome men, but what else do we need teeth for?

Anyway, the usual procedure is you start having some tooth pain and you go to the dentist. You walk into the office and the desk personnel have you fill out paper work that looks like a rack of shelves at the library. My first thought is, “Man, I just need a tooth pulled out, I’m not trying to fix the United Stated Debt problem.” You sit down to fill out the paper work and wonder how many tree had to die just so you can see the dentist and get that tooth pulled. Then you wait that painful, painful wait.

You finally get into the dentist chair and the first thing he does is ex-ray your mouth. More waiting, Still in Pain. After about an hour or two he comes back into your room and tells you that pulling isn’t the best thing for you because he can put some silver in your mouth and patch the hole he needs to drill in your tooth to get the decay out. But first you need to go home and take some of these anti-biotics to get rid of the abscessed that has formed. On his way out he tells you to make another appointment in about a week so he can do the work that he suggests on the bad tooth you have.

On your way out the door you get slapped with a big bill that reads like this: $50 office visit, $75 room bill, $100 ex-ray.

Then, after you go through all of that, in your next visit you do what the dentist suggests and let him patch that hole that he drilled in your tooth with some silver. The only problem is you end up coming back several months later because the silver he put in your mouth has fallen out while you were eating a banana. The dentist gets mad at you because he doesn’t believe you, he doesn’t do bad work. Then charges you another ton of money for more work on your tooth when he should have just pulled it in the first place.

Because dentists can only do a certain amount of work per day, they sometimes don’t always have your best interest at heart. Having your best interest at heart may not always be the most profitable so if they can, they may put off doing the correct work for you the get your tooth pain relief.

The bottom line is that dentists will look after their money tree before than look after your best interest, which is tooth pain relief.   It’s sad to say but I feel that their earnings come first and that is why they will look to control the pain and not cure it. A dentist will use other methods to ease the pain rather than pull the problem out and get rid of the tooth that has the potential to make them a lot of money.

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