Everything You Need to Know About Dental Teeth Whitening in Encinitas, PART 1

Dental Teeth Whitening in Encinitas: Overview

There is arguably no better quick fix for a dazzling smile than a dental teeth whitening in Encinitas. Years of coffee addiction, a penchant for red wine and that most deplorable habit (which you admittedly are trying to kick) smoking, have contributed to a smile that has lost its luster. Pearly white? Perhaps that is too generous a statement for the modern caffeine and nicotine fuelled smile. Thankfully, dental teeth whitening in Encinitas is a really quick, inexpensive and convenient treatment that can readily remove the evidence of the abuse your teeth have sustained over the years. But with all the options available to you, where do you even begin? Which product should you use? Should you have a professional dental teeth whitening in Encinitas or go with an over-the-counter product? Fear not. This article strives to answer some of those frequently asked questions so that you may make the decisions that are best for you and your oral health and aesthetics.

Question 1 ~ Why do teeth stain?

The enamel of your teeth contain tiny little pores, which act to retain the stains caused by regular exposure to tobacco, coffee, tea, red wine, dark-colored soft drinks and other staining substances. A dental teeth whitening in Encinitas acts to eliminate the appearance of surface stains on the enamel of the teeth.

Question 2 ~ Is it better to receive a professional dental teeth whitening in Encinitas, or can I just buy a home bleaching kit?

There are a great number of home bleaching kits available on the market and all of them advertise promises of being ‘safe’, ‘effective’ and ‘long-lasting’, etc. However, it is highly recommended that you only entertain the idea of home dental teeth whitening in Encinitas if you have recently received professional attention from the dentist. Better still; ask the opinion of your dentist on this matter. Generally, professional dental teeth whitening in Encinitas is recommended above home kits for the following reasons:

  • Cavities need to be treated before the whitening treatment can commence to prevent the bleaching chemicals from penetrating deep into the tooth causing pain and sensitivity. If you do not receive a thorough clinical assessment prior to home bleaching, you run the risk of seriously hurting yourself.


  • The chemical solutions used in a professional dental teeth whitening in Encinitas are far more concentrated and effective. Furthermore, the dentist is far more skilled in applying treatments than you are and this means that the results you attain will be far more beautiful and completely natural.


  • Your dentist will be able to diagnose any causes behind your tooth discoloration that are not extraneous in origin, such as decay and infection. He will subsequently deal with them before you receive your dental teeth whitening in Encinitas and before they cause you more serious and expensive problems.

Question 3 ~ How long does a professional dental teeth whitening take?

Generally, a professional dental teeth whitening in Encinitas takes approximately three 30 to 90 minute appointments with the dentist, although this varies substantially with the severity of discoloration and the need for preparation work, such as filling cavities, etc.

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