Invisalign Dentist in Kansas City – Advantages of Invisalign over Braces

Invisalign is a teeth straightening program that uses clear trays to move a person’s teeth over the course of time. This is the same thing that happens with standard braces, but there are no metal brackets involved. You can get the straight teeth you want from an Invisalign dentist in Kansas City without having to look like you are in junior high again. Invisalign can be more expensive than braces, depending on what you have done. The advantages of the program easily make up for that though. Here is a look at the benefits of Invisalign over traditional metal braces in the home of Country Club Plaza.

An Invisalign dentist in Kansas City can have a consultation with you just like an orthodontist would. At that time, he or she will go over what problems you currently have with your teeth and approximately how long it may take to fix those with the Invisalign program. The process is the same for both in that regard, but the differences come in when a person actually starts the straightening process.

With Invisalign, your straightening program is far less noticeable than it would be with traditional metal braces. Those can be seen the second you open your mouth, and even with your mouth closed some people can tell what lies beneath. An Invisalign dentist in Kansas City will provide you with a way to straighten your teeth like you want to without other people noticing a thing. It will be like your smile is magically getting straighter along the way. You can still take pictures like normal and you can even brush your teeth regularly because the trays are removable. That promotes the best oral care possible. Invisalign users have no problems eating because of the removable trays, so it is as if they are not there at all.

There is some discomfort with every new tray you get, but that is the same as the discomfort you may feel with braces. At least with Invisalign, you can remove the tray temporarily if the pain becomes unbearable. You would not have that option with braces. The best way to determine if this program is truly right for you though is to talk to an Invisalign dentist in Kansas City about all of your options. He or she will be able to prepare a plan of attack and let you know exactly what you can do to make your teeth look fantastic.

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