Ways to Increase Breast Milk Production in urdu

There is always a nagging feeling for mothers to increase their breast milk production so that their children will have an adequate supply of food. They are worried that if they experience low milk production, they have to supplement with formula. The first thing they should realize is to ease their worries away because that wouldn’t help in increasing their breast milk production considering there are a lot of simple ways to alleviate the situation.

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An easy way to increase breast milk production is to let the baby keep on feeding every time he or she wants to. They should be able to suckle all they want. When they frequently breast feed, the body will receive the message and the brains in turn would instruct the mammary glands to keep on producing milk.

You should consume a lot of liquids so there would be enough breast milk production. There should be a direct proportion of intake of liquids to match the amount the baby consumes from your body. Eat enough protein and fat. There would be a sudden drop of breast milk production if the body weight decreases sharply.

Rests as much as possible, even if you cannot sleep, try to be relaxed and calm. Lying down and resting will definitely help in breast milk production. There is an increase in Oxytocin production if you can bond with the baby by holding him or her while he or she is sleeping.

Use both breasts during feeding. Let the baby find nourishment in one breast until he or she slows down before switching to another breast. Make sure that the baby latches on properly. The baby’s lips should be on the areola part of the breast and well beyond the nipple.

In between feedings, use a breast pump for five to 10 minutes on each breast for stimulation and increase breast milk production. The aim of this exercise is to stimulate the breast to produce more milk.

Try calling a lactation specialist if you ever need one in assisting you with the proper latching and feeding patterns.

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