Maintaining Your Teeth Implants

Teeth implants are a modern tooth restoration option, which can be used to replace a single tooth, a range of missing teeth, or a full set of teeth. Commonly also referred to as dental implants, teeth implants are small screws made of titanium, which can act as substitutes for the root portion of natural teeth. Dental implants are fitted into the jawbone, after the drilling of a tiny hole. During the healing period, bone grows around the dental implants, effectively fusing with them, which enables prosthetic teeth to be later anchored to them. Prosthetic teeth are usually made of porcelain, which together with an abutment, are attached to the teeth implants, once the healing process has progressed sufficiently.

Looking after your new dental implants

The long term success of teeth implants depends largely on proper dental care and maintenance. Dental implants are known for their longevity, and can last an entire lifetime, if properly cared for. They require the same care as a patient’s natural teeth, including brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups. Failure to maintain good dental care can result in the dental implants not lasting as long as they potentially could due to the development of complications.

Below are some tips for taking care of dental implants:

•    Practice good dental hygiene: Dentists often tell patients to brush their teeth regularly. Once teeth implants are placed, it becomes even more important to practice proper dental hygiene to prevent bacterial infections. Such infections might weaken the gums and cause the jawbone to recede, which may result in the dental implants coming loose or falling off.
•    Regular visits to your dentist:  Individuals with teeth implants should visit their dentist at least twice a year, about five months apart. At these visits, the implants should be checked, to ensure that they remain in good condition.
•    Avoid smoking: Smoking is known to negatively affect the blood flow around the gums and teeth, which impairs healing, and increases the potential for bone loss.

The Harley Street Dental Clinic is a premier dental practice in the heart of London, which specialises in teeth implant treatments. Over the years, the passion and commitment displayed by the highly experienced dental implantologists at The Harley Street Dental Clinic has led to them developing an outstanding reputation for providing superior dental care, not only in London but around the world.

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