Fight The Skin Aging Process With Natural Active Skin Care Products

The skin aging process is a natural part of getting older.  However you can prevent the rate at which your skin ages and slow down the process.  There are certain lifestyle habits such as smoking, sun exposure, unhealthy diet and using unsafe skin care products that can speed up the rate at which your skin age.

Premature wrinkles can appear from as early as in your 20s especially for people who smoke, drink and spend a lot of time in the sun.  Wrinkles and lines usually appear in the late 40s, however luckily for some people these signs don’t show up until in their 60s.

How to slow down the rate at which your skin age is to take good care of our skin.  Eating healthy, protecting your skin from excess sun exposure, not smoking and limiting the amount of alcohol you drink can all help to protect and prevent early aging?

The skin is made of up of several layers, the epidermis which is the top layer, the dermis which is the middle layer and contains healthy skin proteins known as collagen and elastin and subcutaneous tissues which contains the fatty tissues.

The outer layer of the skin, the epidermis is where most of the visible damage is done.  As you age and lose the ability to produce sufficient collagen and elastin your skin looses firmness and elasticity.  You lose fat with age causing the skin to sag at this point the epidermis begins to wrinkle, and sag.  Age spots and other skin blemishes begin to show up and the oil producing glands also known as the sebum slows down and stop producing sufficient natural oil which lubricates the skin and keep it supple.

When your body stop producing sufficient of its own natural oils, and proteins the result is wrinkles, lines, sagging and dry skin which makes you look older than you are.

When your skin is dry and there is not enough collagen and elastin you will also experience thinning of the skin thinning skin is easily wrinkled and all these changes makes it very difficult for the skin to repair itself the way it did when you were younger.

Sticking with a healthy diet of lots of nuts, fruits, vegetables and by taking a high quality fish oil supplement are the most natural ways to heal and repair your skin.  Another thing you must do is find the most natural anti aging skin care products that contains natural ingredients that will help you fight the skin aging process.

There are special products that have been specially formulated to heal and repair aging skin.  However certain ingredients must be present for true deep down rejuvenation to take place.

You will need natural oils such as grapeseed, avocado and jojoba, emollients such as babassu and shea butter.  These ingredients have the ability to deeply penetrate the skin down through its many layers healing and repairing all of them

Also you need to naturally stimulate your body to produce a higher level of collagen and elastin.  This can be accomplished by using a substance known as Xtend TK.

Regain the youthfulness of your skin by helping it to  become more firm, elastic and supple by implementing a healthy life style regimen and using an effective and natural line of anti aging skin care products.

Slow down the skin aging process and recapture your youth.  Live a longer and healthier life knowing you look great all the time.




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