World Becoming More Unisexed in the Matter of Style, Fashion and Grooming

Woman have always been known to take great pride in their appearances, pampering and powdering until they feel like princesses and shine like diamonds. With the world becoming more unisexed in the matter of style, fashion and grooming, even men now want to shine. The world has become appearance driven. It is usually the most well dressed man that will get the job. The clean-shaven, tanned male receive attention from the girls while on their holidays down at the beach or even by the pool side. Woman have an eye for beauty and have always had that eye.

Hair Removal Creams
Creams have a better effect, as does waxing but we’ll agree that waxing is far too painful, better left for woman who have a far higher pain threshold them men do. Creams might be pain free and easier to put on but it takes a long time for hair to thin out completely.

Laser Hair Removal
The best option for men who wish to get rid of back hair is laser removal. Laser removal kills the hair follicle within and makes it harder for the hair to grow back in the same thickness. It will drastically thin out the hair that grows back. This is not a painful procedure either so it is believed to be the best way to remove hair follicles for men. This is also the safest way to make sure that you wouldn’t have to spend your money on hair removal too often.

Is Laser Hair Removal For You?
Laser hair removal is not for everyone. It depends on your hair and skin type. A consultation will give you the answer if you are the type for a laser treatment.

‘Interesting’ is an apt word to describe how my VISS hair removal treatment is going! I have used VISS a few times now – every two weeks. I would advise people to shave the night/day before when using VISS on those sensitive areas! The last time I used VISS, I applied it on freshly showered and shaved skin. I had VISS on the highest setting. I have a pretty high pain threshold, but ‘damn’ it hurt! I think that on some of the areas that I shaved, I must have nicked the skin. So, I would advise to give the skin 1/2 a day to settle down after shaving if possible before using VISS.

I have applied Dettol antiseptic cream to the infected areas and this has helped. I have also used talcum powder on the shaved areas for a few days after shaving and this has greatly helped reduce the chafing and itchiness that results from shaving in private areas. For me this is an acceptable inconvenience at the moment.

It has only been over a month, but I have noticed something happening to my hair regrowth rate. It appears to have slowed and the hair seems to be a bit finer. But it is too early to be definite. The hair has not fallen out like it does from professional laser hair removal treatments. That is to be expected though since the IPL strength is considerably less than the professional machines (which cost tens of thousands of dollars more than VISS). If it takes longer to remove/reduce the hair growth in my private areas by using VISS instead of using the services of a professional, then I am okay with that.

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