Aging the Healthy Way

As you grow old your body’s regenerative powers will slowly begin to fade and the functionality of all major organs will start to deteriorate. Although growing old is inevitable, staying healthy even in your later years is an option most of you should choose to exercise. Being alive and healthy is a better option than staying alive with a broken liver or a bad heart.


Your brain is essentially what controls and regulates the major functions of your body including breathing and excretion. It is imperative to take care of your mind and always try to keep it as sharp as possible. The best and the easiest solution to keep your mind fit is to constantly exercise it with things like puzzles, crosswords, anagrams, etc. Even an active reading habit goes a long way in keeping your brain on track. What you can do is keep learning and exercising your grey cells so that your mind remains well fed and oiled. If you keep your mind active at a pace, you run a lesser risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease which is known to affect 1 in every 68 people.


Do not be deceived by snake oil salesmen and their ‘brain pills’. They are known to do more harm than good. A regular dose of multivitamin supplements will give you excellent results. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are also essential to keep your aging body running at its full potential. Flavonoids, collectively known as Vitamin P must form an essential part of your diet as it is known to positively influence everything from insulin sensitivity, asthma, osteoporosis to cancer prevention and liver detoxification. The best sources of Vitamin P are yellow fruits (fruits in general can also be considered), small quantities (30gms or so) of dark chocolate and green tea.

If you drink beer and hard liquors like whiskey and rum, you should consider cutting back on them since they cause fatty deposits in the liver tissue which may end up leading to cirrhosis and liver failure. Try substituting your shots of whiskey with a few glasses of red wine. A couple of glasses of red wine a day can do wonders for your skin as well as your organs. If you smoke, you should consider quitting because cigarettes can harm your lungs as well as your heart.


The heart is essentially the engine which keeps you functioning. Keeping your heart in good condition will mean that you don’t lose stamina while performing your daily activities. It is a good idea to add a few cardio exercises to your routine and try to work out strenuously for 30-60mins at least 3 to 5 times a week. Cut down your red meat consumption to about 350gms a week and try to stick to lean meat. You should also cut down on any excess starch consumption that you may have in your regular diet. Again, cutting back on hard liquor and smoking while drinking a little red wine daily will give your heart a better chance at staying healthy.

Eat healthy, stay active and get enough sleep so that your body as well as your brain gets ample rest. Consider positive lifestyle changes if you have been leading a sedentary or unhealthy lifestyle and reap the benefits of healthy ageing.

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