Lack of protein in our body may be the simple reason were losing those precious strands of hair

Our hair is one of the most attractive things about us. Lets face it, everyone loves having a head full of healthy hair as it outlines our entire look.  Hair loss can be simply caused by lack of protein in our body. Being made up of 80% protein, 10-15% water and 5-10% pigments, lipids and minerals, a diet ful of protein is essential! Fish, chicken, nuts, eggs, cheese etc is all you’ll need to get down you, not forgetting plenty of water, taking your vitamins and exercising. Hair growth slows down with aging, but adequate nutrition can contribute to maintaining healthy hair growing at any age. It is important to pay attention to your hair to maintain it. There are however a few basic tips everyone should know to prevent your hair from damaging.  Never brush your hair wet as this will definately cause breakage and damaging. Run your fingers through to get rid of tangles with some hair serum. This will prevent breakage, thus no more frizz! Keep the usage of your fancy heated tools on the low! This can’t be very helful to your hair and we all know it wether we like admitting it or not. If absolutely necessary make sure to use your cool setting and a heat protectant. Eat healthy! Remember you are what you eat. Give your hair all the protein and water it needs! Nothing fancy, just some green veggies, nuts, dairy products and your all good. You should wash your hair as often as you feel is necessary to keep it clean. A general rule is to rotate your shampoo regularly and see which one works best for you then try washing it every alternate day at the most. If your hair is dry then 3-4 times a week is sufficient.

“Everything you eat becomes a part of not only your inner being, but the outer fabic of your body aswell” says Samantha heller, a clinical nutritionist. It Is as simple as it sounds. You won’t need to empty your pocket on a basket full of fancy hair products to get those gorgeous locks that you’ve always wanted. Weve all heard it, ‘you are what you eat.’ So invest in some colourful fruits and vegetable and see how not only your hair improves, but your over all health. Rememeber, your beautiful just the way you are.


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