How to Prevent Ringing in the Ears By Eliminating Tinnitus Holistically

If you suffer from tinnitus then you need to figure out how to prevent the ringing in your ears from disrupting your life. But there is no recognized medical cure. Luckily, you can prevent tinnitus holistically.

What Exactly is Ringing in the Ears?

Ringing in the ears is another way of describing tinnitus. And tinnitus is a sign that you have some underlying condition or problem. In other words if you don’t have such a problem, you are unlikely to have tinnitus. Tinnitus is the name given to the condition where the sufferer can hear a sound or sounds in their ears, but where there is no external source for that sound.

The sounds of ringing ears can be heard either in one or in both ears. And they can be mild all the way up to very severe. Also, ringing in the ears can be broken down into subjective and objective tinnitus. When only the tinnitus sufferer hears the ringing, then this is called ‘subjective’ tinnitus. When the sound can also be heard by a physician using a specialist instrument, then this is referred to as ‘objective’ tinnitus.

The Other Sounds of Tinnitus

As well as the ringing ears sound, there are other sounds that sufferers hear. These are sounds such as, whooshing, roaring, hissing, buzzing, humming, ticking, clicking, and so on. The actual cause of the tinnitus normally dictates the sound that the sufferer hears.

Potential Causes of Ringing Ears

Typical causes for ringing in the ears are things like; inner ear infections, noise-damaged hearing, head and / or neck trauma, meniere’s disease, blocked eustachian tube, otosclerosis, high blood pressure (hypertension), ear wax that has become compacted, stress and tension, atherosclerosis, and anything that causes irregular blood flow through the vessels in your head / neck, etc.

Mainstream Treatment to Prevent Ringing in the Ears

Conventional treatment for ringing ears prevention consists of drug-based medications such as antidepressants and antihistamines, etc., through technical solutions such as tinnitus maskers and hearing aids, tinnitus retraining therapy, hypnotherapy, all the way through to surgery; but only as a final resort.

But the figures are very disappointing. It is reckoned that 95% to 97% of tinnitus sufferers never get full relief from their ringing ears. At best, they can achieve some noise reduction, at worst their condition returns when they cease the managing regimens.

Natural Remedies for Ringing in Ears

Nowadays, more and more tinnitus sufferers are getting into natural remedies to help eliminate their ringing ears. These natural remedies include simple herbal remedies, dietary supplements, homeopathic medicine, dietary and lifestyle changes, home remedies, etc., but also include things like acupuncture, exercises, yoga, self-hypnosis, and so on.

A Holistic Way to Prevent Tinnitus

The problem with using any one single way to treat tinnitus is that for it to be succesful you have to be able to identify the actual cause. And I gave a short list of some of the causes above. The problem is that in many cases — 43% in one case study — the cause is difficult to pinpoint.

In conditions like this, it makes sense then to take a wider approach to treatment. And this is where holistic treatment comes into its own. By utilizing a wider range of natural and alternative treatment options, in terms of a ‘whole life’ approach to a cure (holistic), your chances of eliminating tinnitus forever are greatly enhanced.

For example, by using natural things like, aromatherapy, naturopathy, homeopathy, herbal remedies, diet and lifestyle adjustments, natural supplements, specialist exercises, massage therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, yoga, self-hypnosis, etc., in a way suited to your particular condition, you stand a very good chance of joining the 3 to 5 % of sufferers who eventually eliminate their tinnitus and prevent their ringing ears…

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