Hearing Aids: Ways to prevent Hearing Loss

In this article you will find some strategies to prevent your hearing loss which are absolutely free. Unlike Hearing Aids, they will cost you nothing you just have to bring them in practice. Those are just in your home.

Nowadays, houses are not designed according to the hearing needs of the people. So, now the first thing towards preventing hearing loss is to make our homes more user friendly by making some rearrangements. Three of them are light, distance and noise, in order to reduce the stress and strain in your house environment. Let’s have a little talk regarding the three mentioned.

1. Light :

It is natural, almost all the hard of hearing people reads the lips but they did not realize the same. Now, to read the lips properly, you need proper light. So, your rearrangements should be done keeping in mind that the maximum light should fall on everyone’s face and not in the eyes of the people. For this, you have a choice of having the ceiling lights, can also have pole lamps.  Do not forget to give importance to your furniture arrangements, do not keep the sofa facing the window or just below the window, these will make difficult in lip reading. The solution is to have the light from the sides.

2. Distance:

Distance is an addition to the hard of hearing people, can say an enemy. Here, the thing is as distance increases the ability to hear the sound decreases, because the dynamic range of hearing is very less in the person having hearing loss problem than the normal hearing people. Because of this, other people have to always shout while talking with you, which might be uncomfortable to him. To avoid this, always try to sit close to the people who is speaking and not at the opposite ends of the people.

3. Noise:

Noise is as enemy for both the normal hearing people and the hard of hearing people.  This makes difficult to understand the speech. In early time’s homes, we used to have doors to each room of the house. But now, we have open architecture in sense we have dining room, drawing room and kitchen are all open to each other and which makes the free flow of noise from one area to another.


Therefore, it is always better to turn off TV, radio sets and music system when you converse with somebody. Try to avoid all types of noisemakers while your conversation is on. You can also practice, to have separate conversations in separate rooms, as one group’s noise may interfere with another’s and increase the stress while you are trying to listen.

These are some of the practices you can put into action to have more enjoyable conversation experience also without troubling the other person. If bringing these factors into practice is not possible for you, you can surely go for Hearing Aids, which will definitely solve your problem.




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