Dealing with your ears ringing

There are several illness that one can contract over time. But, perhaps the most annoying of them is Tinnitus. The symptoms of Tinnitus include the sound of ears ringing or a whooshing sound that can be heard within the ears. Some people also feel they hear buzzing sounds as well. How loud these sounds are depends on the intensity of the illness that you are faced with. While the intensity may be same with two individuals, the level of tolerance of ears ringing can vary from one to another. There are several reasons why one would contract Tinnitus. For one, it can be brought on by old age. It is primarily caused by the nerve endings of the inner ear growing weak. People who are under a great deal of stress, exposed to constant loud noise as well can contract Tinnitus. The result of ears ringing can also be because of a bigger illness, more as a side effect. The one problem with Tinnitus is that there is no known cure for it. Many a times, people tend to ignore it in the beginning, assuming it to be a passing phase. Only when it gets to be really annoying to people take note and head to a doctor. The illness is of two types, objective and subjective. Objective Tinnitus is where the sound of ringing can be heard by those who come close enough to you or through a stethoscope. Subjective is where only you can hear the ringing of the ears. A number of tests have been conducted on drugs that can help cure tinnitus, however, nothing has come up fool-proof. A number of natural remedies in terms of diet have been prescribed. Reducing the amount of sugar, salt, oil and sweets in our diets supposedly helps bring down the symptoms. Allowing more protein in your diet, along with fruits and vegetables in plenty also helps. The book Tinnitus Miracle by Thomas Coleman is believed to have a 3-step cure to tinnitus, however, medical science is yet to prove that the theories presented in the book work. A lot of people who have used the book though swear by its contents.

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