Alarming And Non-Alarming Side Effects Of Atacand

According to, a survey conducted among 1800 Atacand users has shown that while 30% of the users experienced some side effect or the other, only around 6% were victims of significant and potentially serious side effects. Atacand is a vital drug, which is administered for managing hypersensitivity in patients of all ages. It is known to have a systematic impact on systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure. More the dosage of this drug, lower the pressure. Therefore, it is also considered to be an effective drug in managing health conditions that might occur due to chronic high hypertension in patients. This might include kidney failures, cardiac arrests and more. In addition, it is also administered for the effective control of congestive heart disorders, specifically in adult patients. However, the drug is not considered to be a cure for high blood pressure. It simply controls it.

Atacand: Side Effects

The side effects of Atacand can be broadly classified into two, the potentially harmful ones and those that are not so alarming. There are some rare side effects as well that could occur in people suffering from congestive heart ailments or hypertension. These include abnormal lowering of blood pressure and an increase of potassium levels in the blood. Harmless repercussions might include back pain, cold or flu like symptoms, which include an infection of the respiratory tract and dizziness. Some side effects that on occurrence require immediate medical attention and care are listed below.

Excessive itching sensation, which can often go out of control, is one of the side effects that might grow into a seriously disturbing problem.
Occurrence of skin rashes could be another aftermath. Mostly, you will not find any logical reasons for these rashes.
Sometimes you might also witness your skin peeling away or the occurrence of ugly blisters, which simply appear from nowhere.
Urine retention is another serious repercussion Atacand can have on your system. If you happen to notice a sustained decrease in urine volume, seek immediate medical care, as this could be a signal for other major health problems.
Sometimes you might also experience difficulties and obstructions while swallowing and breathing, if you have been under the influence of this drug for a long time.
Dizziness and light headedness which might ultimately result in fainting spells can also be one of more serious side effects of this drug. You need to see a doctor if such spells continue to disrupt your normal life.

There could be some extremely rare side effects of Atacand as well. These are seen to be present in less than 1% of the targeted user group. Some of these might include vertigo attacks, hepatitis, high blood sugar, muscle pain, depression, anxiety, etc.

However, your physician is the best person to know what treatment is likely to help you. Therefore, while you should be aware of the side effects so that you can seek immediate help, you also need to follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

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