Shower Tips For Younger Looking Skin

There are endless benefits to taking a shower daily.  You can soothe the tired and aching muscles of body and get rid of dirt and grime on your skin.  Nothing gets more uncomfortable than hitting the sack without cleansing your body first.


But you should know that several showering habits can make your skin dry. If you want to avoid dry skin condition, use the following shower tips:


1. Install a filter.


Filtration systems work in blocking the hard minerals, germs and fungi found in your original water source.  These impurities can make your dermis dry and can even cause skin irritation and rashes.


If you don’t have money for an in-house filtration system, you can always go for a simple charcoal filter.  It is cheaper but it is one of the most effective when it comes to removing chlorine in water.


2. If your dermis is excessively dry to begin with, try applying essential oil after using your soap.


This can help keep your dermis soft and supple even if you stay under the shower for a longer period of time. It is not advisable to stay under the shower for more than 15 minutes because prolonged exposure to water can confuse the functions of the sebaceous glands. It might prompt the sebaceous glands into releasing stingy amount of sebum.


3. After dampening your skin, try applying an exfoliating treatment.  Cellular turnover happens every single day.  It is ideal to get rid of dead skin cells on a daily basis.


However, using abrasive exfoliating treatments can be harsh on the skin.  You might want to switch to the use of exfoliating enzymes as they are milder and more appropriate for daily use.  Exfoliating enzymes can be found in natural sources such as pineapple and papaya.


Right after taking a shower, pat your skin dry with an absorbent towel and immediately apply your hydrating moisturizer.  The product should contain natural anti aging ingredients that can help correct damages and boost collagen production.


Some of the ingredients you should look for are CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10.


CynergyTK infuses keratin to the integumentary system. Our skin needs a healthy supply of keratin for a more reliable production of collagen fibers. It keeps the dermis strong and resistant to damages.


Phytessence Wakame is a type of Japanese sea kelp with the ability to hamper the sudden loss of hyaluronic acid. This acid is vital for the lubrication of collagen fibers. When collagen fibers are properly moisturized, they do not wear out quickly.


Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is a type of antioxidant with the ability to fight free radicals. It is made up of smaller molecules so it can work deeper in the dermis.


And now I would like to invite you to visit to find out which are the anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.

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