Treatment of worms

Worms (helminths)
Worms (helminths) – worms, parasites in animals, fish and other animals. Infection of man occurs when dealing with animals in the use of poorly cooked and badly roasted meat of animals suffering from intestinal worms. Diseases that cause human parasitic worms (worms, worms) that live inside the body are called worm infestations, or helminthes.
In recent years significantly increased the number of people with allergic skin disease, broncho-pulmonary system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pressing problem was the fact that the children were sick more often diseases difficult to treat. Treatment shall be held, and the efficiency is not, and no improvement occurs. And the reason is that under the guise of gastric disorders, sleep disorders, hiding not identified helminthic infestation.
Helminthic infestations are the causes of multi-disorders digestive and nervous systems of various skin and allergic diseases. Often, helminthic invasion “disguised” under a variety of chronic diseases cause anemia. Because time is so important to diagnose helminthiasis.
Helminths – who are they?
At the present time about 300 helminthic diseases in humans. They are divided into intestinal and extraintestinal. In the first case of worms and their larvae live in the intestines, while the second – is it: in the muscles, lungs, liver, joints, esophagus, brain, blood, skin and even in eyes.
Helminths (worms) are divided into several classes.
1. Class – Nematodes: Ascaris roundworms, trihotsefaly (trichurid, pinworm, hookworm, Trichinella, toxocara, strongiloidy, anisakids. Hereby scourge of our time, became enterobiasis – the defeat of pinworms.
Enterobiasis in kindergartens, schools – virtually uncontrollable infestation. The notion of pinworm as only “children” parasites, fundamentally wrong, as both adults, this invasion is also very common. More information about the treatment of pinworms can be found in a special article.
2. Class – Cestodes: tapeworms, bovine tapeworm, pork tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm, broad tapeworm, Echinococcus. To widespread concerns hymenolepiasis (dwarf tapeworm), which we must, alas, the home of Rodents.
3. Class of – Trematodes: flukes – cat (opisthorchiasis), liver (fascioliasis), Chinese (clonorchiasis), pulmonary (lung fluke disease), schistosomes.
Helminths (worms) – they come to us?
Parasites have long coexist with us and even used to take our bellies “of his homeland.” They can come to us as follows.
With vegetables, fruits and berries. Because the most common fertilizers – animal and human feces. Often the source of infection are meat (kebab) and salted fish (especially sushi lovers). In fact, clean fish in the world is not as helminths in the animal world is the norm!
From dogs and cats (toksokoroz – ascaris dog, cat).
With air, breathing in the dust with eggs or cysts of parasites (toxocara, roundworm).
Dried feces of animals, which are “flowery” carpet covered the streets of our cities and garden plots, carried by wind and fall into our house with shoes and clothes.
Through dirty hands, not just their own, but also vendors, food industry workers and catering (the fashion for salads in supermarkets).
When bathing in freshwater ponds.
Due to active migration, travel abroad, import of food products. The city imported worms that are not characteristic for our region (opisthorchiasis, schistosomes and other).
Helminths – difficulties in the diagnosis
Helminthic infestations are one of the most difficult to diagnose human health problems. The difficulty lies in the fact that the negative results of the analysis of feces, does not mean the absence of helminth infestation in a patient. They only indicate a lack of egg parasites.
The absence of parasite eggs is possible in the following cases:
if only males parasitize
if parasitic young (immature) or, conversely, older females
long periods of absence of oviposition
During migration of larvae in the body (tissue) the owner (ascariasis, toksokoroz)
The main problem of diagnosis – a low level of detection in diagnostic laboratories as a result of simplified methods of research
If you suspect the parasite is usually done on fecal worm eggs. The simplest method is to smear. But the problem is the complete unreliability of this method, because if the parasite does not put the eggs in the stool collection period, its presence goes unnoticed. Even a 5.3 – fold (!) Analysis of feces does not give reliable results because the process of deposition of parasite eggs are not “normalized” with respect to time.
Immunological diagnostic methods can be used as screening (preliminary), as they give a false positive and false negative results.
The reliability of diagnosis – indeed “planetary” problem. According to the World Health Organization, the accuracy of diagnoses of fecal does not exceed 5-10%.
Prevention of infestation
We are all subjected to daily risk of infestation. What should I do? First and foremost, to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection should restore the overall reactivity of the body – the immune system and strengthen its own defenses.
There are a number of medicinal plants with antiparasitic activity. In addition, they can be used to increase the body’s resistance to infection by parasites, as well as to neutralize and bring parasitic toxins.
It is important to note that even with a long reception, vegetable complexes in contrast to chemotherapy, not only does not have side effects, but also provide obscheozdoravlivayuschee effect on the body. If you are in everyday life do not carefully wash your hands, keep pets, work hard at their summer cottage, swim in open water, your personal risk of parasitic infestation increases.
Treatment of helminths (worms)
Need to begin treatment as soon as possible. Optimally suited for this medication for the treatment of parasites, for example, Albendazole.

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