Grape Fruit is useful for Arterial Problems

The world has become a very busy place. No one has time to even keep a count of when was the last time they eat. In this multi-tasking lifestyle, health is the most compromised factor for wealth. When one starts compromising the basic necessity like healthy living, he in fact, increases the chances of falling prey to many health disorders and diseases.

One of the most common and troublesome disorder for majority of the people across the world, is arterial problems. Arteries are the living tubular vessels in our body that carry pure oxygenated blood to our body. They initiate from the lungs carrying pure oxygenated blood. This blood is then pumped by the help of heart to various parts of the body. Thats how our life’s constancy is maintained. When such an important part of our body, like arteries fall into trouble, it becomes a very serious issue for our survival itself. Arterial problems (problèmes artériels)are often neglected as they take long time to take a serious or fatal form.

We always fall short of time in every aspect of our lives. We always wish that we had some more time. But because we cannot slowdown the moon’s rotation to lengthen the days, we found some ‘Fast’ solutions. One of these fast solutions is ‘Fast Food’. The over fried and ‘Ready to Serve’ meals have actually become a big ‘Biological Junk’ for the world. These fast foods have large amount of oxidants in them. These oxidants cause a lot of internal damage to the cells and tissues. Hence, This food style leads to excess obesity and cholesterol issues, which finally become arterial problems for people.

Recent studies have shown that Grape Fruits are effective in solving arterial problems. This is because of the citrus (having Vit. C) properties and anti-oxidants found in the extracts of the grape fruits. But as we don’t have enough time to peel and eat grape fruits all the time, essence of grape fruit in french (essence de pamplemousse) is to our rescue. Essence of grape fruit is commercially available in stores in the oil form, which is derived by compressing the peel of grape fruit.


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