Canada online pharmacy

Your Questions About Buying From a Canada Online Pharmacy Answered

Many people who have never ordered from a Canada online pharmacy have numerous questions about the online ordering process. In what follows we will address a few of the most commonly asked questions.

What is Going to Happen if my Order Gets Lost?

Most reputable online pharmacies have insurance on the orders they dispatch. This means that if the order gets lost due to something that is not your fault the pharmacy will then send out a replacement order free of charge. Please take note: if you provided them with an incorrect shipping address, they have the right to hold you liable for the cost of the replacement order.

What Do I Need in Order to Order Prescription Medicine Online?

All you need is a valid prescription issued by a registered doctor in your home country. Usually you can place your order online or by fax, but you will then have to send the prescription to the pharmacy by ordinary mail. If you have a recurring prescription, you normally only have to send in the prescription once. The company will file it and you can simply keep on ordering until the prescription runs out.

Is the Online Ordering Process Safe?

Ordering online is in most cases safer than using your credit card in an offline situation. All reputable online Canadian pharmacies use a secure server, which means your credit card information cannot be intercepted by a third party. The information is sent directly to the processing bank – your card information is at no time revealed to workers at the pharmacy. This is in contrast to an offline situation where someone can easily swipe your card through a card copying machine in a few seconds.

Can I Buy a Year’s Medication With One Order?

With most online pharmacies there is a limit on the amount of medicine you can buy per order. This is to prevent abuse of the system. If your doctor issues you with a one year prescription, you can normally only order a 90-day supply at a time. You will therefore have to place an order four times during the year.

What Will My Doctor Say if he Finds Out I Am Ordering Medicine Online?

All reputable online pharmacies have a doctor who reviews all prescriptions before they are dispatched. There is therefore no reason why you can’t tell your family doctor that you are ordering your prescription online. No reputable online pharmacy will object to your doctor phoning them for more information.

Will Any Additional Charges be Made to My Credit Card on Top of the Charge for my Medication?

You should check the fine print of the website where you are ordering. Most online pharmacies have a standard delivery fee and a handling fee per prescription. When comparing costs with that of your local pharmacy, you have to factor in these costs.

Are Canadian Drugs of the Same High Quality That One Normally Finds in the USA?

The Canadian government has very strict requirements when it comes to the manufacture of medicines. The quality of medicine produced in this country is comparable to that coming from any other first world country.

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