Methods Of Birth Control: Choose What Suits You Best

The methods of birth control available and their suitability have always created confusion in a woman’s mind. To prevent fertilization and ensure birth control is the motive of all birth control methods. Although ample birth control info is accessible on the internet, books, and other such sources, women still like to know more about it and then decide what is the best suited for them. The key to understanding this is that no single method is suitable for one and all. It depends a lot on the life-style, relationship with partner, body type, and various factors which are different for everyone.

Basic Kind of Birth Control Measures

It is advisable to get proper and full information about birth control methods before deciding on one. Let us understand that there are some basic techniques of birth control. These are divided into three categories.

First is contraception which includes use of condoms, diaphragm, oral pills, and injectible contraceptives. Second is contragestion which includes intra-uterine devices and the morning-after pill. Third is abortion, which as all of us know is the extreme step where the fetus is removed or expelled from the uterus. This method is best avoided. If someone doesn’t want a pregnancy, contraception or contragestion methods should be good enough to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Introducing “The Pill”

Contraceptive pills, or the hormonal pills, are by far the most popular and most effective method of contraception known. “The pill” was introduced around 50 years ago and it’s getting better day by day. The pill contains less than one milligram of the hormone estrogen or progestin per tablet. The hormones in the pill prevent pregnancy by suppressing the pituitary gland. It stops the development and release of the egg, and progestin also prevents the sperm from reaching the egg.

The birth control pill has to be taken daily one tablet by the woman. It generally comes in a pack of 28 tablets. The pill is effective only if it is taken everyday without fail and around the same time. There are some minor side-effects of taking the pill, which go away on their own. These side effects include nausea, weight gain, mood changes, sore or swollen breasts, and spotting between periods. Those taking these pills should not smoke as smoking may case blood clotting. If the woman is above 35 years of age, she must consult her doctor before continuing with the pills.

Medical Benefits of “The Pill”

There are some medical benefits also of using the birth control pill. Apart from preventing pregnancy, it helps regulate menstrual cycle, improve acne, provide clearer skin, the menstrual cycle is with lesser pain or cramps, and it also protects against Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Menstrual cycles are generally lighter, shorter, and less painful for women who take the pills regularly. Due to these medical benefits, even unmarried women take it. For new mothers, it is ideal for keeping distance between children as the side effects are minimal and these are quite effective.

It is difficult to say which the best birth control pill is. It is always advisable to consult your gynecologist and look for severe side-effects after starting on the particular pill. Different people react differently to the same composition of pills. Once you have settled on a particular brand and type of birth control pill, stick to it. The key to effective birth control is to take the pills regularly and almost at the same time everyday. One thing must be noted that the pill is not at all effective against Sexually Transmitted Diseases and other such conditions.


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