Look Your Best with Some Help Using Facial Exercise

Aging is a whole new ballgame as we enter the second decade of the 21st Century. There are many new ideas and plans on the horizon to keep us biologically young as research goes beyond stem cells to using profound avenues of science that sound like a Star Wars hi-tech intervention. 

Are you one of the many people who want to live younger longer with a toned, lifted face?  

What does it take to look better and better as the year’s progress? We’ve been inundated with information regarding eating organically, exercising, and using vitamin and mineral supplementation to maintain our health; this is all great information but it doesn’t mean that your face will look younger because gravity will prevail.  

When the facial muscles begin to soften from lack of use, gravity and atrophy there are tell-tale signs that show on your face. Perhaps you notice that your eye brows are drooping or that your cheeks feel spongy; maybe your side view displays a not so taut chin line and you see little pouches are forming along your jaw.  

Wrinkles, dry skin and a lined forehead are indications that aging is occurring; maybe the dreaded wattle has taken up residence under your chin and your skin no longer has a toned and tightened appearance. Cascading facial muscles drag the skin downward causing you to wear the look of old. 

Rather than whine and lament that your face is beginning to resemble your Great Aunt Hilda’s you can take a pro-active approach and start using specialized facial exercise to look younger, prettier,  fresher and healthier in just hardly any time at all. 

Not just any exercise will do. Twists, puckers, contortions and funny faces will not substantially change the shape and contour of your face so that you look years younger. What will work is a program of isometric with resistance exercises where you learn to isolate, anchor and then contract the muscle or muscle groups. 

 “I am so thrilled that I discovered this type of facial exercise just in the nick of time to save my face and avoid drastic measures,” reveals Jackie Silver, creator of Agingbackwards.com. There are many very positive testimonials that portray the excitement and happiness from men and women from every walk of life whose faces have changed using facial exercise. 

Looking your best has never been easier. Without stitches, injections, cutting and pain you can develop a newer, younger looking face.  

Men especially love facial exercise because they seem to develop a very youthful appearance quickly, in fact, men who exercise their faces look boyish again as the years melt away. Brad Allen cites his experience with facial exercise, “I did facial exercise every day for 3 months. After approximately 2 months a friend, a portrait artist who really knows faces noticed the difference. She noticed on her own that I looked younger.  I said I was doing specialized facial exercises…My friend said I looked brighter, younger and refreshed.  She observed a tightening where subtle sags had been starting. Even after cutting back to once a week I noticed that I maintained my new, younger look.” 

Men and women have long used surgical procedures hoping to enhance their appearance, then injections that plump and paralyze were added to the menu, now lasers and strong chemical peels are used to further accentuate the procedures. These measures are all temporary fixes and none of them address the real cause of aging in the face: sagging facial muscles. No matter what the modality it must be repeated and repeated at a substantial cost to the user whereas once you learn the specialized facial movements, there is nothing more to buy. 

Wearing a youthful look today is easy because of facial exercise. Using just your God-given exercise equipment, your thumbs and fingers, you take control of a droopy, sagging face that makes you look older than your years. 

Imagine in just a few short weeks you see the years peeling away revealing a younger you. Eyebrows lift, forehead smoothes, crow’s feet diminish, cheeks appear firm, taut and lifted, nasal labial folds soften, jowls and pouches tighten and your neck looks younger and revitalized.  

Your friends and family will easily recognize you and they’ll probably want to know what you have been doing to look and act so confident in your appearance as you present a younger, toned face to the world. 

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