Pradaxa (Dabigatran Etexilatee), an FDA approved drug, is widely used to prevent blood clots from forming by inhibiting the enzyme thrombin in the blood. The drug is very popular at Canadian pharmacies and physicians recommend it to prevent venous thromboembolic events or clot formation in the veins of adult patients who have undergone total-knee-replacement surgery or elective total-hip-replacement surgery.
Blood flows through the blood vessels and is constantly moving as the heart pumps it through arteries to various parts and cells of the body. It is constantly in motion and returns back to the heart through the veins. The throbbing veins help push the blood back to the heart. Blood clotting is the process that helps repair damaged blood vessels.
When a blood clot or thrombi form, it does not necessarily cause any problems, unless they appear without any apparent reason. In such cases, it starts moving within the blood vessels. People use Canadian drugs such as Pradaxa 110 mg to prevent systemic embolism or blockage due to a clot within the heart.
How Dabigatran Etexilate Actually Functions
Patients take the drug orally, which helps convert the Dabigatran Etexilate into Dabigatran through the process of hydrolysis. The main step in the process of clot formation is the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin by thrombin. The drug acts as an anticoagulant by inhibiting free and clotted thrombin to prevent formation of thrombus. It has a consistent profile, which does not place too many restrictions on the type of food people have to take in.
Why Care Has To Be Taken When Clots Are Formed
Atrial fibrillation is an abnormal heart rhythm when clots appear in the atria or upper chambers of the heart. The condition can lead to heart failure or stroke due to an abnormally high heart rate. Patients must be aware of other medical conditions demonstrating similar symptoms including breathlessness due to exercise and palpitation. Another condition that creeps in is angina, which is very painful.
Precautions to Be Taken With Medication
People must avoid Allergies due to ingredients in the drug. Individuals must keep records of several pre-existing conditions such as kidney and liver problems, stomach ulcers, and bleeding disorders. Doctors must be informed, who can then prescribe the right combination of drugs. Pregnant women who are planning to conceive or already have must avoid drugs containing Dabigatran Etexilate to prevent any harm coming to the unborn baby.
Pradaxa 110 mg has undergone several clinical trials and has proved successful in removing clots without causing heart problems leading to stroke. People have to take certain precautions such as not opening the capsule before intake. It prevents excess medication to act suddenly thus preventing complications. The capsule must not soften on exposure to the sun.
Doctors have to prescribe the medication. It comes in capsule form and is freely available at Canada Pharmacy Online, a mail order pharmacy based in Canada. Patients can buy the drug and other prescription drugs online, as recommended by the doctor through a prescription. By dispensing drugs from all across the globe, the pharmacy has made cheap, reliable drugs available worldwide.